Back to the drawing board? How you can help ensure the government learns from serious criticism of the Investigatory Powers Bill

Yesterday, I blogged over at Open Rights Group Birmingham about the latest twists and turns in the development of the Investigatory Powers Bill, the government’s plans to increase online surveillance and permit widespread hacking of computer networks.

You can read the full post here.

Open Rights Group Birmingham meetup tomorrow

If this post piqued your interest in online privacy and you live in or near Birmingham, you might like to come to the next Open Rights Group Birmingham meetup, which is happening tomorrow (Wednesday 17 Feb) from 6.30pm at Birmingham Open Media.

At the meetup we’ll be teaching people simple, practical things they can do to protect their privacy and security online. I’m pleased to say we’ve had a really good level of interest in the event, with over 20 people down to attend. If you can’t make it along tomorrow, we’ll be holding regular meetups throughout the year.



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